Getting Ready for Sustainability Planning – PTTC R9 March 2025

Getting Ready for Sustainability Planning
This 7-week series offers participants a unique, interactive experience to explore how to develop a sustainability plan.
Sustainability planning is an intentional process of looking critically at your current prevention infrastructure, processes, and strategies to develop the necessary resources to sustain meaningful prevention outcomes beyond current funding. Sustainability planning involves a series of concrete tasks to create feasible, ongoing support for essential components of your prevention work. Elements of sustainability planning include examining the impact of strategic planning processes, such as SAMSHA’s Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) and interventions, priority setting, resource and feasibility analysis, communication planning, and resource and grant development.
This learning series incorporates online consultation, skill-based learning and practice, self-study and reading assignments, group activities, and discussion designed to guide participants through five critical components of sustainability planning. Trainers will demonstrate how to use a set of tools to facilitate a sustainability process with community partners and will coach participants to set actionable steps and timelines to complete a plan over the next year.

Certified Prevention Specialist Exam Prep – R9 May 2025

This four-session series is designed to prepare individuals for the IC&RC international examination to become Certified Prevention Specialists (CPS). Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the Candidate Guide for the IC&RC Prevention Specialist Examination, the exam development and application process, and the various domains covered in the certification exam. The series includes practical strategies for successful computer-based test-taking, along with opportunities to review sample questions and practice determining the best responses. Participants will take a sample test before and after the sessions. Prior to attending, participants are encouraged to review the Candidate Guide for the IC&RC Prevention Specialist Examination and bring questions about the topic areas or the CPS application process.

2025 Northwest Prevention Leadership Academy

The goal of the 2024 Northwest PTTC Prevention Leadership Academy is to engage leaders in the prevention workforce to identify and build upon their strengths to encourage the heart, model the way, inspire a shared vision, challenge the process, and enable others to act effectively in prevention.

Starts April 10, 2024

Leveraging Systems Change for Substance Misuse Prevention – R10 March 2025

Participants will examine capacities shown to enable evidence-based interventions to achieve and sustain expected results and learn how to incorporate these into their work.

Starts January 9, 2024

Organizational Elements of Effective Coalitions – R10 Jan 2025

Participants will explore a variety of organizational principles that will assist them in the overall development of their coalition by learning more about how to engage and sustain the involvement of key stakeholders and members over time, how to utilize dynamic group-development strategies, and how their efforts can connect with other coalition efforts in their area.

Building Protection Using the Social Development Strategy (SDS) – R10 April 2025

This 6-week series offers a unique interactive experience that explores how to build protection in communities, schools, and families using the Social Development Strategy (SDS). This learning series will build participants’ understanding of shared protective factors and how the SDS organizes protection into a strategy for action. Participants will learn and practice using the SDS and its components to design activities that will build protection in families, schools, coalitions, and communities.
The learning series provides online consultation, skill-based learning and practice, group and individual activities, reading assignments, and discussion on topics essential to building protection using key learnings from prevention science.